Ways to help camp harris.
“Hey there, we are striving to make Camp Harris the camp God has planned for it to be. We strive to make it a camp you can be proud to call your camp. We want you to want to come to Camp Harris, and we need your help to get there. Below are several things that will help us get the ball rolling on making Camp Harris Great Again! You can click on any picture and it should take you to a link where you can get info or even purchase some of our NEEDS and WISHES/WANTS. We want to invite you to partner with us at Camp Harris and help achieve a task that is SO BIG, only GOD can do it. He uses people like us everyday to do the impossible and He will use You too, if you let Him. Please Pray over where God would have you invest at Camp Harris. We strive to maintain a safe and wonderful place for people to came and have Encounters with God. Thank You for helping us!” - Harry from Harris
Click the Picture to take you to a link to purchase and have delivered to Camp Harris, 2800 Harris Rd, Minden La 71055.
In Our Motel rooms:
We found out through the generous gift of one of these mattresses by a Camp Harris Hero, that we don’t eve need new box springs to make it more comfortable than even the newest beds.
For MAINTENANCE and Saftey needs:
Side by Side for our maintenance. much safer than driving full size trucks through campus. Golf Kart, any buggy, if we can get it running, it will be a great asset to our ministry.
In Our Media areas and Auditorium:
We need to get a Few Things Done in our Auditorium for Worship. Click the Picture to take you to a link to purchase and have delivered to Camp Harris, 2800 Harris Rd, Minden La 71055.