Harris Baptist Assembly known as Camp Harris is owned by the Bienville, Concord/Union and Webster/Claiborne Baptist Associations
Our purpose
Camp Harris exists to provide a quality, year-round environment for Christ-centered events.
The verse that God has given us for the camp is:
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
Our vision is to promote retreats, camps, conferences and seminars that enable churches, organizations, and individuals to have an encounter with God through. Jesus Christ by providing facilities and services where groups can fellowship, develop their spiritual lives, and grow in their relationship with God.
We believe the scriptures were divinely inspired by God, are totally true and trustworthy and without error. The scriptures hold the only rule of faith and practice.
We believe that there is only one true God existing as: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God and man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
We believe that man was a special creation of God, made in His image. By free choice, man sinned and brought sin into the creation. It is evident of the sacredness of human personality, therefore every human is worthy of respect and love.
We believe that salvation is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His blood only obtained redemption for believers.
We believe that those who have accepted Christ and are sanctified by His Spirit will never fall away from God’s grace.
We believe in the local congregation of baptized believers to be the Church, associated by covenant of faith and fellowship of the gospel.
We believe baptism is an act of obedience symbolizing our death to sin, the burial of our old life, and the resurrection to walk in the newness of life in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the great commission, that every believer is called to evangelize and disciple new believers.
We believe that in His timing, Jesus Christ will return and the dead will be raised and Christ will judge all the people.
We believe that Christians are stewards of their possessions and that God is the source of all blessings, therefore we owe all to Him.
We believe in making the will of Christ supreme in our life.
We believe God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society.