Camp Changers Mission Camp

Camp Changers Mission Camp is June 5-9th, The cost is $150.00 which covers food and Mission Supplies.

This camp is for 7th grade -Adults of All ages. We need some adults to apply to be Team Leaders and their cost will be completely covered by Camp Harris. We also need Ministers and Ministry Leaders to apply to be Crew Encouragers. Groups will be divided into crews and will work and do bible study in their crews on the job site. We will all gather back in church groups for evening worship. This will be a great opportunity for a low cost mission trip with a great impact for the Kingdom.


Low cost mission TRip

We will provide housing, all of your cost will go to food and mission/building supplies. Team Leader and Ministers/Crew Encouragers bringing groups will be completely on us. Apply Bellow.

A Great mission

Camp Harris host many children and students throughout the summer while maintaining as low cost as possible. We strive to provide a safe and clean environment for those who come to Camp Harris so that they may have time alone with God. God calls so many of His ministers, missionaries, and children to follow him in life and ministry while at camp separated from the noise of this world. Come, and be a part of God’s Great Work!

Great Worship

At Camp Changers, we will Work Hard, Play Hard, Eat Good, Study Bible, and Worship the King of Kings Together. Our Large Group Worship Times will be Amazing as we just focus on God and proclaim abundantly, our love for Him. It’s all because He first Loves Us!

Help Keep Harris Great!!

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

- Colossians 3:17